City of Penticton

Download a copy of your current contractSigned CA 2024-2026

For help interpreting your contract or assistance with a situation you feel requires the union’s involvement, please contact the shop steward for your workplace or the unit chair.

Unit chair: VACANT

Secretary:  VACANT

Shop stewards:

City Hall: Rumneek Padda, Duncan Scandrett
Recreation: VACANT
Facilities: VACANT
Parks: Nathan Farnholtz
RCMP: Justin Hazzard
Public Works: Trevor Cansdale, Sean Ryan
Water Treatment Plant: VACANT
Waste Water Treatment Plant: Cameron DeLeeuw

Health & Safety:  Cameron DeLeeuw, Rumneek Padda

Labor Management:  Sean Ryan, Sean Vernon-Wood, Rumneek Padda (alternate)

Ways & Means:  Krista Lyver

Bargaining Committee:  N/A

Social Committee:  Trevor Cansdale, Amanda Lust